BirdWatch Zambia (BWZ) formerly Zambian Ornithological Society (ZOS), is a membership-based environmental NGO established in 1969. It is a member of a global environmental and conservation partnership through its membership of BirdLife International.
The objective of BirdWatch Zambia is to promote the study, conservation, and general interest in birds and their habitats in Zambia.
BirdWatch Zambia’s main activities are centred on Zambia’s 42 Key Biodiversity Areas/Important Bird Areas (KBA/IBAs) and are based on 4 focal areas of species, sites, habitats & people.
BWZ is also working on invasive species control and wildlife poisoning, particularly poisoning of vultures which is the biggest and largest threat to vulture populations.
BirdWatch Zambia is doing environmental education in the 9 established Vulture Safe Zones across the county with support from the Elephant Charge.
Birdwatch Zambia uses funds provided by the Elephant Charge to conduct environmental education in schools, carry out conservation activities such as tree planting, and plastic pollution campaigns and produce educational materials (newsletters, posters, stickers coloring materials, etc) on the importance and conservation of birds and their habitats, these materials which are distributed to IBA schools across the country are tailored for teachers and school children to learn from and also share with their friends and families.