Game Rangers International


Game Rangers International is a non-profit organisation established in Zambia in 2008. GRI works in close partnership with the Department of National Parks and Wildlife to empower Rangers and Local Communities to conserve nature.

Embracing a holistic approach to conservation they empower Rangers across three core thematic areas:

  1. Resource Protection
  2. Community Outreach
  3. Wildlife Rescue


Elephant Charge has been a key partner of Game Rangers International’s Community Outreach Programme for over a decade. This critical support has enabled the delivery of weekly environmental education to 2,000 children across Zambia each year, and to increase conservation awareness in thousands of households contiguous to Kafue National Park through weekly community radio programmes.

Funding from Elephant Charge funding has provided live skills training to over 200 women, empowering them to initiate successful income generation projects. It has also been instrumental in the monitoring and mitigation of human-wildlife conflicts, directly contributing to the efforts to fortify cattle kraals, water ways and maize crops, and equip subsistence farmers with safe and effective wildlife deterrents.


Grants received from the elephant charge

$ 0

Below you can find see all the grants that have been awarded to Game Rangers International.


Received $18.387 in grants from the Elephant Charge 2022 – Chinwambishi

Received $19.091 in grants from the Fuchs Elephant Charge 2021 – Matakula

Received $13.150 in grants from the Fuchs Elephant Charge 2020 – Kawanga River

Received $10.243 in grants from the Fuchs Elephant Charge 2019 – Nankanga Hill