The International Crane Foundation supports the Zambia’s Kafue Flats Restoration Partnership.
Partnering with the Department of National Parks and Wildlife the work is carried out on the Kafue Flats including Lochinvar National Park, Blue Lagoon, and the surrounding Game Management Area covering a total area of 6,500 square kilometers.
The work on the Kafue Flats seeks to halt the decline of wildlife populations including the endemic Kafue Lechwe and restore these populations to historic levels through:
- Research and Monitoring
- Enhanced resource protection
- Fostering local community participation in wildlife conservation
- Environmental Education
This work aims to secure the future of the Kafue Flats, their habitats, and the species that depend on them.
With the support of Elephant Charge, ICF has built capacity to 82 school teachers from 13 schools in Lochinvar and Blue Lagoon National Park to enhance environmental education to 20 school conservation clubs with a total membership of 900 pupils.
In addition, ICF has commemorated several important environmental days (Ramsar, Biodiversity Day, Environment Day), reached out to 2000 pupils and 500 community members, and undertook school trips to Lochinvar National Park for 170 pupils from the environment clubs.
At the height of the COVID-19 Pandemic, ICF distributed 400 branded masks to 4 schools in Lochinvar National Park to ensure safety amongst the learners. Additionally, ICF has managed to rehabilitate the lookout tower in Blue Lagoon and the Information Center in Lochinvar to enhance environmental education.
All of these are contributing to the overall mandate of ICF on the Kafue Flats to secure this important wetland ecosystem as a thriving wetland for all.